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'Daze' Salutes Trojan. Article from the St. Helens Chronicle. |
Rainier Daze Court Selections Made |
1971 Rainier Daze Senior Court. Left to right is: Princesses Cami Bohrer, Princess Debbie Roberts, Stunt pilot Frank Geelan, Princess Patty Carrico and Princess Linda Burnham. |
Aviator Frank Geelan and His Big Harvard Plane To Be Features of Rainier Daze Celebration July 16-18. |
Rainier Daze Court Present President of Rose Festival An Invitation to Beach Party
Webb Harrington, a 1934 graduate of Rainier High School, who is President of the Portland Rose Festival, was personally invited to the 1971 “Atomic” Rainier Celebration by Princesses Cami Bohrer, Debbie Roberts, Linda Burnham and Patty Carrico. While in Portland the Court and Chaperone Mrs. Rockne Foshaug toured Jantzen & Co., where they picked out a Sport Outfit, then were taken to lunch at the Cosmopolitan. The rest of the afternoon was spent shopping.
1971 Rainier Daze Junior Court. Left to right is: Princesses Sheily Prouty, Sharrelan Presswood, Tracy Mason, Shelly Johnson and Stephanie Keith. |
The 1970 Junior Court Queen Beverly Heflin (at left) joined the 1971 Junior Court at Bogie’s for ice cream. |
1971 Rainier Daze Schedule of Events. Click on image to see all four pages. |
Working on the parade lineup for the 1971 Rainier Daze were members of the Rainier Fire Department. Shown are the members of the committee, Nelson Lepin and Howard McMilan and their wives Bernice Lepin and Frances McMilan. Photo was printed in the June 10, 1971 issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review. |
Rainier to salute Trojan. That will be the theme of the 1971 Rainier Daze, the annual three-day celebration to be held July 16-18. Pictured on the Rainier waterfront where part of the festivities will take place are chairman Ed Poehler, acting manager of Pacific Power & Light Co. in Rainier, and Mrs. Al Bohrer, secretary-treasure of Rainier Daze. From the May 1, 1971 Longview, WA Daily News. |
Queen Debbie Roberts presides over annual Rainier Daze parade. Longview Daily news article. |
Rainier's Queen Debbie RAINIER DAZE Queen Debbie Roberts, the 17-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Les Roberts, smiled to parade goers in Rainier Saturday. The attractive queen and her princesses - Cami Bohrer, Linda Burnham and Patty Carrico-appeared Saturday afternoon during the water ski show and the many activities that took place along the beach in Rainier. |
The parade traveled east on Highway 30, shown here passing in front of the 3 Boys' Market |
Rainier's Trojan salute is enjoyed. Longview Daily news article. |