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Rainier, Oregon's Grocery Stores
Part 1
Continously operated grocery store opened in 1916 by R. H. Bailey that changed hands and locations several times until it closed in 1970 by Howard Chase. Zimmerman's Grocery was a branch off this chain of stores opened by Ernest Zimmerman in 1928.
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R. H. Bailey (1916-1922)
Bailey & Zimmerman, Inc. (1923-1928)
Zimmerman's Grocery (1928-1934)
Rainier Mercantile Co. (1928-1949)
Bob's Market (1950-1954)
Chase's Cash Market (1955-1970)
A Brief History
R. H. Bailey came to Rainier, Oregon in 1910 and opened his grocery store in 1916. On January 1, 1923 Bailey's chief clerk Ernest R. Zimmerman joined him in a partnership and the store was renamed Bailey & Zimmerman, Inc. In October 1925 Bailey & Zimmerman moved into the new Sammons building located at the SE corner of East 1st St. and B Street (Highway 30). In June 1928 Bailey & Zimmerman, Inc. sold their business to Glen W. Williams and Charles S. Furer and they changed the name to the Rainier Mercantile Company. Ernest Zimmerman then opened Zimmerman's Grocery in Kentucky Flats on November 1, 1928 and then on June 25, 1934 made a business deal with Carl "Robert" Hallberg to take over his stock and accounts. In September 1934 the Rainier Mercantile Company moved from the Sammons building into the McKay Building. The McKay Building was on east side of E 1st St. next to the Rainier Pharmacy (owned by Joe McKay) that was to the north. The Sammons building was then occupied by Hallberg's Market and Grocery. On January 1, 1950 Robert Clement bought the Rainier Mercantile Company and renamed it Bob's Market. The store location remained the same. Robert Clement was the son of Glen O. Clement who had a grocery in Rainier for many years before closing it in 1942 after Robert and his clerks went off to war. Robert closed his store officially on December 31, 1954 followed by bargain sales in January to reduce stock. Howard Chase reopened the store on February 12, 1955 as Chase's Cash Market again at the same location. He closed the store in June 1970.
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R. H. Bailey (1916-1922)
R. H. Bailey opened his grocery store in 1916. (1) R. H. Bailey Grocery ad from the May 1, 1919 issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review. (2) In an article that appeared in the April 7, 1922 issue of the Review that reported the collision between a Bailey grocery delivery wagon and an automobile. (3) A Christmas ad in the December 22, 1922 issue of the Review wished all a Merry Christmas and listed his grocery staff. (4) In an article that appeared in the December 29, 1922 issue of the Review stating that on January 1, 1923 Bailey's chief clerk Ernest R. Zimmerman would join him in a partnership and would rename the store as Bailey & Zimmerman, Inc.
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Bailey & Zimmerman, Inc. (1923-1928)
"R. H. Bailey" can be seen on a fabric sign left of center in this image (from a real photo postcard). This photo was taken after the fire of 1924 and the building of the Rainier Hotel (the brick stucture at right). And before Bailey & Zimmerman moved to "B" Street at the end of 1925. The building that they moved from on "A" street was believed to have been destroyed in a fire in the early 1940s.
Bailey & Zimmerman, Inc. ad from the June 6, 1924 issue of the Rainier (Oregon) review. In an article that appeared in the October 16, 1925 issue of the Review it announced that Bailey & Zimmerman were moving into the new Sammons building located at the SE corner of East 1st St. and B Street (Highway 30).
Photo of Bailey & Zimmerman's store after their 1925 move into the new Sammons building located at the SE corner of East 1st St. and B Street (Highway 30). The Methodist Church can be seen behind the store. It was on this same spot where the Knights of Pythias had been built their meeting hall that was destroyed in a fire on August 13, 1916. Also shown is what the building now looks like (as of July 21, 2018). It is now occupied by Bell Studios. The Bailey & Zimmerman photo was provided by Margaret Barton-Ross (granddaughter of Ernest Zimmerman) and the now photo from Google maps.
A receipt from the Bailey & Zimmerman store dated July 1926 and an a advertisement for Buster Brown Shoes that may have been from a calendar. Images were provided by Margaret Barton-Ross (granddaughter of Ernest Zimmerman).
In the June 22, 1928 issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review, it announced the sale of Bailey & Zimmerman, Inc. to Glen W. Williams and Charles S. Furer. They changed the name to the Rainier Mercantile Company.
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Zimmerman's Grocery (1928-1934)
After Bailey & Zimmerman, Inc. closed in June 1928, Ernest R. Zimmerman opened a grocery store later that year on November 1. The store was located in an area known as Kentucky Flats, reportedly on the SW corner of West 9th St. and West B St. (Hwy 30). He stayed in this location until he made a business deal with Carl "Robert" Hallberg to take over his stock and accounts on June 25, 1934. Newspaper clippings from the October 26, 1928, December 25, 1930 and June 29, 1934 issues of the Rainier (Oregon) Review.
Zimmerman's Grocery was located as shown in the center of photo above, reportedly on the SW corner of West 9th St. and West B St. (Hwy 30). After Ernest Zimmerman closed his store he went to work at the Alston store in Delena. The store building was told to have sat for several years empty and was eventually torn down. In about 1941 he joined the staff at Hallberg's. On January 1, 1943 he was installed as the newly elected mayor of Rainier. He passed away on January 17, 1944 while helping a customer at Hallberg's. In response to the customer's greeting he replied that he never felt better in his life. He turned to write up the customer's order, his knees crumpled under him and he collapsed on the floor. The customer thought that he had fainted, but it was soon apparent that instant death had come. Photo from Google Maps July 26, 2018 and newspaper clipping from the January 20, 1944 issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review.
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Rainier Mercantile Co. (1928-1949)
The Rainier Mercantile Company occupied the Sammons building from 1928 (after purchasing the business from Bailey & Zimmerman) until their move into the McKay Building at the end of September 1934. Their doors opened for business at the new location on Monday October 1. The McKay building was located on the east side of East 1st Street next to the Rainier Pharmacy (owned by Joe McKay) that was to the north. The Sammons building was then remodeled for its new tenant, Hallberg's Market & Grocery, who held a grand opening on December 15, 1934. Hallberg's had relocated from "A" Street. Newspaper clippings above from the 1934 Rainier (Oregon) Review; issues September 28th, October 5th and 12th.
The Rainier Mercantile Company was located on the east side of East 1st Street (107 East 1st Street) from 1934 until they sold the business on January 1, 1950 to Robert Clement who renamed it Bob's Market. To the north of the Rainier Mercantile Company was the Rainier Pharmacy owned by Joe McKay (labeled as the Cornerstone Cafe on the satellite view above). Store front photo by Mike Clark August 9, 2018, Google Maps July 12, 2018 and Google Maps July 12, 2018.
In the December 29, 1949 issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review, it was announced that Robert Clement bought the Rainier Mercantile Co. affective January 1, 1950.
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Bob's Market (1950-1954)
Robert Clement opened his grocery store "Bob's Market" on January 1, 1950. He purchased the existing business "Rainier Mercantile" that Glenn Williams had operated since 1928. Robert was the son of Glenn O. Clement, who had been in the grocery business in Rainier from 1923 until 1942. Glenn was forced to close his store after Robert and his clerks had left to serve during World War II. After the war, Robert worked for a short time at the Longview Fibre Company and in February 1946 started work for Glenn Williams at the Rainier Mercantile. Robert's father, Glenn O. Clement, helped him set up the business. The store location remained the same on E 1st St. (107 East 1st Street).
Photo provided by Renee Lackey with this comment: This photo is of Bob's Market, which was later Chase's Cash Market. From left, Al McGlone Jr., Art Measer, Irene Clement, Irene Gallien Rice (Renee Lackey's mother) and Hazel LaFitte.
Five years later, Robert closed his store officially on December 31, 1954, but he had bargain sales in January to help clear out stock. Howard Chase reopened the grocery as Chase's Cash Market on February 12, 1955.
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Chase's Cash Market (1955-1970)
Two articles in the 1955 Rainier (Oregon) Review (issues dated February 3 and February 10) announcing Howard Chase's reopening of the former Bob's Grocery on February 12 as the new Chase's Cash Market in the same location.
Chase's Cash Market's 1st and 2nd anniversaries. From the February 9, 1956 and February 7, 1957 issues of the Rainier (Oregon) Review.
Chase's Cash Market's 5th and 10th anniversary ads. From the February 18, 1960 and February 11, 1965 issues of the Rainier (Oregon) Review.
"Chase's Cash Market Notes Remodeling With Big Week End Sale and Hot Specials" from the October 7, 1965 issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review.
Chase's Cash Market's 14th and 15th anniversaries. From the February 13, 1969 and February 12, 1970 issues of the Rainier (Oregon) Review.
Chase Cash Market Quits After 15 Years. From the June 4, 1970 issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review.
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