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Rainier, Oregon Post Office Locations
1908 to present (2022)
Compiled by Mike Clark

The Rainier, Oregon, Post Office, throughout its history from 1851 to present, had been located in many places. From 1851 to 1907 postal services were usually conducted inside another business such as a grocery store, and not all of these locations are known. It wasn't until 1908 that records show the post office operating as its own entity in a building that still exists. Below is the history of Rainier Post Office locations from 1908 to present.

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Locations of the Rainier, Oregon post office from 1908 to present (2022). Click on numbers below for the history of each place.
(1) 1908-1920
(2) 1920-1928
(3) 1928-1948
(4) 1948-1960
(5) 1960-1990
(6) 1990-Present (2022)

(1) 1908-1920
Northeast corner of Highway 30 and East 1st St. (119 E 1st St, Rainier, OR 97048)

Left: Real photo postcard "Rainier Oregon / 1910-1916 / Mina E. Nutt, Assistant. / J.W. McMilan, Postmaster. / Photo Rainier Studio". Right: As of 2022 Luigi's Pizza now occupies the former location of the post office.

The first known location of the Rainier post office that operated as its own entity, rather than sharing space in a store, was in the Bourne building (*). This building was on the Northeast corner of Highway 30 and East 1st St. (119 E 1st St, Rainier, OR 97048). In the December 17, 1920, issue of the Rainier Review, it reported that the post office had operated for 12 years there, making it 1908 when it first opened its doors at that location. James W. McMilan, well remembered, served as postmaster at that location from 1910 until 1916. The post office moved from the Bourne Building on December 11, 1920, into the east end of the McKay building next to the railroad Depot. The Rainier Review once occupied the basement of the Bourne building that extended south under the highway. Bross Hardware was there from December 1939 until June 1965. As of 2022 Luigi's Pizza is now there.

(*) The Bourne building was named after Joseph B. E. Bourne. He was a native of England who practiced law in Rainier and dealt in real estate and insurance. His office was upstairs in the Bourne building. Bourne never married, He died on 2 April 2, 1943, and was buried in the Green Mountain Cemetery (ref: April 8, 1943, obit in the Rainier Oregon Review). The Bourne building was also identified later as the Kliks building (ref: December 7, 1939, Rainier Oregon Review).

From the August 2, 1951, issue, page 5, of the Rainier (Oregon) Review. The article mentioned the green velvet gown on display during Rainier's Centennial that Joseph B. E. Bourne's mother once worn in Bournemouth, England. Bourne owned the building where the post office had once been located and the Rainier Review in the basement that extended south under the highway.
"Moving Postoffice is Cause of Hubbub", from the July 30, 1920 issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review. Because of an increase of rent by J. E. Bourne, the postmistress Mrs. Exel Vogel petitioned the government to relocate the post office to the space now occupied by the McKay Drug store. McKay would move to the west end of the same building after Mr. Young's Jewelry store vacates that space. A counter petition was circulated by those protesting the move and had gathered over one hundred signatures.

(2) 1920-1928
Southeast corner of A Street and East 1st St. (102 East A St, Rainier, OR 97048)

Left: July 1921 Sanborn Map showing the post office in the east side of the McKay building next to the train station. Right: The McKay Building as it looked on May 16, 2021, now occupied by the Cornerstone Cafe.

On December 11, 1920, the post office moved into the east end of the McKay building (next to the train station) that had been occupied by Joseph McKay's Rainier Pharmacy. McKay had moved his pharmacy to the building's west end after it was vacated by E. M. Young's Jewelry store. As of 2022 the Cornerstone Cafe is located there.

"Rainier Postoffice Is Moved", from the December 17, 1920, issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review. The Rainier Post Office was moved Saturday night after the business day, from its location for the past twelve years.

(3) 1928-1948
Southwest corner of A Street and East 1st St. (102 A St West, Rainier, OR 97048)

Left: The Rainier post office from 1928 until 1948 was located at the west end of the Ellis Building. Pictured in front of the post office were three former postmasters, left to right: William Proctor, Margaret Lucker and Bill Reid. In 1948 the post office moved into the white building that stood next door. Right: The same location now occupied by the True Value Hardware store as of 2022.

The post office moved into the west end of the Ellis building in the spring of 1928 that had been occupied by the Rainier Bakery. The Ellis building, located on the Southwest corner of A Street and East 1st St, was built in two parts. The first was completed in 1907, the second west addition in 1922. It was in this west addition where the post office resided until 1948. The True Value Hardware store as of 2022 occupies both parts of the ground floor.

"New Postoffice Quarters Are Leased." From the April 6, 1928, issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review. The portion of the Ellis building recently vacated by the Rainier bakery will be fitted up for postoffice quarters and the postoffice will be moved into that building some time about the first of June.
"New P. O. Boxes Arrive." From the May 18, 1928, issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review. A new block of postoffice boxes and a complete new window set arrived and were installed the same day.

(4) 1948-1960
120 W A St, Rainier, OR 97048

Left: In the first weekend of May 1948, the post office moved from the west end of the Ellis building to the wooden structure that sat next door (to the west). This structure had been used by C. R. Hallberg as a feed store that he opened on October 7, 1933. At the time of the move, both the Ellis building and the wooden structure were owned by I. B. Lindeman. Right: The wooden building was torn down sometime after the post office moved out in 1960. The space is now occupied by a portion of the Budget Inn motel.

"Lindeman Readies New P.O. Building". From the October 23, 1947, issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review. Lindeman has started remodeling the wooden building just west of the Rainier postoffice and the postoffice will move into that location as soon as the work is completed. The lease on their present location expires on January 1. Lindeman recently purchased the building from C. R. Hallberg.
"Postoffice Seeking Bids for Moving Equipment". From the April 15, 1948, issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review. The Postoffice department is advertising for bids on moving the various items of office and mail sorting equipment from the present location to the building adjoining. The work to be done during the night of April 30 under present plans. Interested persons may obtain information at the postoffice.
"Post Office Moved Last Week End". From the May 6, 1948, issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review. The Rainier postoffice was moved over the week end from the Lindeman building in which it has been located to a place next door, also owned by I. B. Lindeman. The building which had been a feed storage place for some years, used by Hallberg's, was completely rebuilt on the inside.
From the January 28, 1960, issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review. "Shown above is the Old Rainier Postoffice, former feed store, and antiquated structure in use for many years as local postoffice."

(5) 1960-1990
Southeast corner of East A St. and East 2nd St. (202 E A St, Rainier, OR 97048)

Left: The post office as it looked after its dedication on March 5, 1960. Right: The former post office building September 2021, now occupied by Lower Columbia Insurance.

"Local Postoffice Now Occupying Modern Facility." From the January 28, 1960, issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review. Rainier postoffice operations this week moved into the new building provided by the postoffice department on A street at East Second. For the first time in history the Rainier postoffice has a home especially constructed for the purpose. As of March 1 the Goble postoffice operation will be added to Rainier under rural station status.
Dedication and Open House, The New Post Office, Rainier, Oregon. Saturday, March 5, 1960, 2 to 5 P.M.
Mary Lucker's retirement from the Rainier, OR post office after 37 years, 1941-1978.

(6) 1990-Present (2022)
North side of West A Street, opposite West 2nd St. (207 W A St, Rainier, OR 97048)

The present post office building as it looked on May 16, 2021. The post office moved into its new home in the spring of 1990 and held a dedication and open house on May 5.

Dedication and Open House, The New Post Office, Rainier, OR 97048. Saturday, May 5, 1990, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Additional information:

        Joseph B Bourne, on "Find a Grave" page.
        Mary Margaret Everman Lucker, on "Find a Grave" page.
        Joseph Gordon "Joe" McKay, on "Find a Grave" page.
        James W McMilan, on "Find a Grave" page.
        William E Proctor, on "Find a Grave" page.
        William Reid, on "Find a Grave" page.

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Contact me at Clarkmikew@aol.com for any questions

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