Rainier (Oregon) Union High School
50th Class Reunion

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The Annual Rainier, Oregon All-School Alumni Picnic, July 28, 2019
Sponsored by the Rainier Oregon Historical Museum


Hudson-Parcher Park, formerly Hudson Park (see map below).


July 28, 2019 (always held on the last Sunday in July)
from about 11:00 until 4:00

What to bring:

It is pretty much a potluck, though some people bring their own picnics. Food will be served at noon. The museum will provide the utensils, plates, paper cups, coffee, powdered cream, salt, pepper, napkins, some tablecloths, and bottled water. Also, people are encouraged to bring chairs.

Have questions:

Please contact ROHM Vice President Duane Bernard at jdmbernard57@gmail.com or call at 503-556-9661.

Click on map to enlarge

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