Rainier (Oregon) Union High School
50th Class Reunion

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The above images were taken from our 20 year class reunion booklet.

We have counted 151 students who were in our class during the four years we attended Rainier Union high School. Several students came and went during those years and at the end of our senior year 112 of us graduated. We were the largest class to have graduated from RUHS at that time and we possibly still hold that record as of today. Sadly, 28 of our fellow classmates are known to have passed away. Please take a moment to look at the "In Memoriam" link below.

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compiled by Mike Clark
Please contact me at Clarkmikew@aol.com for any suggestions, corrections, or information you would like to add.
Please contact David Wellington at wellmaki@msn.com (or call at 541-549-6086) if you wish to attend or have any questions not answered in this website.

Copyright 2019