Rainier (Oregon) Union High School
50th Class Reunion

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Reunion Information


The Rainier, Oregon Senior Center, 48 W 7th St, Rainier, OR 97048 (see map below)

Rainier Eagles, 109 W A St, Rainier, OR 97048 (on “A” street between El Tapatio and the Ol Pastime). Check in at the door as you enter.

Please note: alcoholic drinks are not allowed at the center but can be purchased at the Eagles.

When: Saturday, July 27, 2019

Rainier Senior Center: 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

Rainier Eagles: 6:00 PM until closing

Who do you contact if you plan to attend:

Please contact David Wellington at wellmaki@msn.com or call at 541-549-6086. Alumni Spouse and Significant other are very much welcomed.


$30 per person. This will cover the rent of the Rainier Senior Center, the buffet (prepared at the center), the decorations, plates, utensils and miscellaneous expenses.

Also, there is additional $25 (which is optional) if you would like to purchase a group photo of the alumni to be taken at 3:00 by Bell Studios. Bell Studios will print and deliver the photos before 6:00 PM that same day. Payment for the photo must be mailed to Kathy at the same time as payment to attend. Additional copies can be ordered directly from Bell Studios by calling 503-556-5232.

Where to send payment:

It is important to mail a check to Kathy Wade Meier (address below) by July 1 so that we can plan accordingly per the number of people who will attend. Please contact Kathy at rdkameier@msn.com if you have questions about payment.

Kathy Meier
317 8th St. West
Rainier, Oregon 97048

Please make check out to Kathy Meier and write "50th class reunion" on the check.

Work Crew:

Please let David know if you would like to volunteer for set up and take down at the center. The more people who help the quicker the work can get done leaving more time to visit.

Click on map to enlarge

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