Student |
Legend |
Freshman 1965-66 |
Sophomore 1966-67 |
Junior 1967-68 |
Senior 1968-69 |
Notes |
Bill Kessell |
Bill mentioned as coming from Goble grade school and was at RUHS only his freshman year. It was reported that Bill passed away on July 24, 2018. |
Terry Kibbe |
Attended, but no photo |
--- |
Timothy Klein |
Tim passed away on April 24, 1979 due to an on the job accident. |
Mike Koskela |
Mike passed away on August 16, 1967. |
Allen LaFond |
--- |
Paul Lewis |
--- |
Cecil "George" Markley |
George passed away on July 26, 2018. |
Frank Markley |
Frank passed away on November 28, 2004. |
Della May |
Attended, but no photo |
--- |
Patricia McAtee |
Patty passed away on January 22, 1995. |
James McKay |
--- |
Charlie Miller |
--- |
Cheryl Miller |
Married to Rick Rittierodt. |
Ron Milne |
It was reported that Ron had passed away. |
John Mitchell |
--- |
Larry Moist |
Attended, but no photo |
Attended, but no photo |
--- |
Jim Morgan |
--- |
Brenda Mysinger |
Married to Dennis Carmody. It was reported that Brenda passed away in February 2017. |
Alan Neer |
Attended, but no photo |
Alan passed away on January 2, 1973. |
Larry Neer |
Attended, but no photo |
Attended, but no photo |
Attended, but no photo |
Larry passed away on December 6, 1984. |
Dennis Nelson |
--- |
Gary Nelson |
Attended, but no photo |
Attended, but no photo |
--- |
Kristine Nelson |
Kristine passed away on September 10, 1979. |
Sidney Nelson |
--- |
Chris Nesbitt |
Married to Riley Hyatt. Chris passed away on November 26, 2009. |
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